If you happen to be in the market for Haiku Maui real estate, there are a few options. First of all I have two commercial lots for sale in Haiku Maui. They are located on the main road of Kokomo Rd. This is also across the street from two commercial centers. They equal almost an acre of land, and are zoned M-1. Both lots are priced at $1,899,000.
I also have a home and cottage on Hale Lio St in Haiku Maui. House and cottage and in excellent shape priced at $850K. So if you are in the market for Haiku Maui real estate, give me a call for the latest hot buys in Haiku Maui homes for sale.
Stevem Nickens R(S), GRI, ABR
The Wailea Group< LLC
3750 Wailea Alanui, Suite 5WE
Wailea, Maui, Hi 96753
www.nickensmaui.comEmaiL: nickens@maui.net
Cell: 808-280-2208
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